Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership in WEOG is applicable to private sector companies, non profit organizations, and governmental entities.
As a Corporate Member, your company will enjoy event discounts and be recognized as an organization that promotes the
advancement and development of women who work in the energy industry.
You can receive even greater recognition benefits at
the WEOG National level by choosing one of the new Membership Plus options!

Benefits Include:
- Every benefit due professional members Plus ++
- Every benefit due to business membership
- Invitation to exclusive corporate member only events
- Access to network of industry companies
- Possible access to business funding and investors.
- Online company profiling in the business member directory
- Opportunities for joint ventures & business collaborations
- Opportunities for contracts and jobs
- Recommendations and endorsements
- Facilitation of Exclusive/Customised Programs/ Bespoke speakers for in-house programs
- Opportunity to promote company on WEOG platforms
- Nomination for national & global awards and recognition- company category
- Nominations into the Advisory Board of WEOG
- Many More